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Accessibility Information

We want to make the library experience as comfortable and productive as possible for our visitors, faculty, staff, and students with accessibility needs. We are always looking for ways to improve, so please share any suggestions or questions with, or contact the person or unit listed under the headings below.

Quiet Study Areas

Each library has designated quiet study areas. Earplugs and headphones are available at the Cudahy Library, Heath Sciences Library, and Lewis Library circulation desks if a space is too noisy. We are working on providing additional resources for distraction assistance.

Accessible Course Materials

Students working with the Student Accessibility Center (SAC) can get accessible versions of course materials. Please contact them for information about this process. There may be a delay in processing requests, so contact SAC as early as possible. If you have questions about a specific item, or are not a Loyola student, please contact Chris Martin at, or your subject librarian.

Assistive Technology Rooms

The SAC maintains assistive technology rooms at the following locations:

  • Lake Shore Campus: Information Commons room 229
  • Water Tower Campus: Lewis Library 910

For more information about these rooms and available technologies in them, please contact them at

Digital and Web Accessibility

We strive for our web and digital resources to meet WCAG 2.0 standards. If you have questions or concerns about accessibility for a library-provided interface, please email us at

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